Preamble on Anti-Microbials

Preamble for introducing Anti-microbials

Better health with quality food is raising importance for not only old generations but also among new generation and common public across the globe. More than 52% of the global population is now shifting over to safe and chemical residual free food to avoid health disorders.

In order to meet this important and challenging requirement, Prathista initiated initially Natural and Carbon based Organic Agri in-outs for the cultivation of residual free agricultural products since its inception in 1995-96 and natural mineral chelates for nutraceutical (food grade) and livestock segment applications.

Prathista is a pioneering company in manufacturing of Natural and Non-GMO L-Lactic acid and all its salts being produced from non-edible grade agricultural commodities, based on the state-of-the-art anaerobic fermentation process. Natural and non-GMO Gluconic acid and all its salts produced based on the state-of-the-art aerobic fermentation process since 1998-99. While Natural and Non-GMO mineral chelates produced based on the state-of-the-art hydrolysis technology since 1995-96. These products are meeting all kinds of pharmaceutical grade requirements as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Food grade requirements as Nutraceuticals.

However, realizing the fact that baking products, cheese, and meat are regular commodities for human-kind globally, Prathista in-house R&D center has started working on residual free Clean-label, Natural and Non-GMO Active Food Ingredient (AFI’s) since a decade. Although the available Active Food Ingredients in the market are presently being produced based on Petro-chemical or GMO or Chemicals based products in ready to eat Baking, Cheese and Meat products which are causing health disorders for human-kind. Alternative products for such chemical AFI’s are not available due to the technological related issues.

Based on future business strategies, Prathista main motif is to develop eco-friendly manufacturing facilities for production of residual free AFI’s for all type of baking products, meat products and for production of quality cheese along with evergreen Natural Vinegar in liquid and powder forms.

Prathista team, after years of Research at their in-house R&D center, have successfully invented and developed commercial-scale technologies using the “state of the art” fermentation process with unique down-stream process steps to recover finished product either in liquid or powder forms.

In order to support poor and small land holding farmers as CSR activity, Prathista developed unique fermentation technology based on Non-GMO “Agricultural commodities” as raw materials which contains rich poly-saccharides, so that farmers efforts will have industrial support for converting non-GMO agricultural commodities into various Anti-Microbial Products as AFI’s.

While designing the technology, the main concept adopted was to make use of “non-edible grade agricultural commodities as raw materials” (like inferior grade quality agricultural commodities or broken wheat or broken rice, corn, sweet potato, second grade potato’s and cassava etc., which farmers have to face challenges to sell even at low cost while there are no reasonable market price fixed to support poor and small land holding farmers).

Prathista also developed unique technology for production of glucose based on non-edible grade and naturally cultivated agricultural commodities which have “polysaccharides or carbohydrates” through hydrolysis process steps with state-of-the-art continuous Jet Cooking Technology.

Various Clean label AFI’s are being manufactured using in-house glucose based on unique and eco-friendly state of the art fermentation process with selected non-GMO microorganisms for each product and such micro-organisms are safe to use for production of AFI’s and most of such micro-organisms are “pre or probiotics” and large history in food industry as SAFE micro-organisms.

Individual product produced by the eco-friendly fermentation technology is subjected to coagulation step to kill and separate live organisms followed by standard chemical engineering downstream process steps like filtration to separate microbial biomass, charcoal treatment, evaporation, crystallization and then drying using various drying process equipment as each product since each product has a unique character for subjecting the product for drying process to produce final product.