A green nutraceutical formulation of organic wheat green grace

Prathista has developed a unique wheatgrass-based product namely “Green Nutri”. It is a naturally rich source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, chlorophyll, and dietary Fiber. Green Nutri contains more than 90 different nutritious substances and 19 amino acids including nine EAA (essential amino acids). The pH of human blood and Green Nutri are around 7. Therefore it will be quickly absorbed into the blood and highly beneficial.

Approximately 100 gms of Green Nutri can be obtained from 1 kg of fresh wheatgrass. This will supply nourishment equal to that of 23 kg of selected vegetables. It is rich in dietary fiber which helps in maintaining blood sugar level, cholesterol level, and prevents constipation. Green Nutri is equally beneficial for the livestock sector and gives excellent results.